Truth be told we’re all a little bit guilty of being curious about what’s going on with the person next door, down the street, or simply around the block. Using visuals to communicate an idea outside a business or home that draws attention can easily tell others that there is something going on INSIDE. This strategy is centered on enticing the subconscious human activity of the “nosey neighbor.” In the realm of business services…and especially those that provide that means to trigger our “nosey neighbor” business owners can take advantage of this natural human tendency.
Yard signs…or sometimes referred to as site signs are a proven means to help that nosey neighbor by letting him or her know WHAT’S GOING ON and WHO’S DOING IT. There are many retail and B2B companies that certainly qualify for yard signs. For many, yard signs are a key strategy as they strive to remain relevant and yard signs are perfect for attracting customers to a business or service.
Yard signs are ideal for many types of businesses.
As a company exposure is key and visual impressions work…especially in the arena of the nosey neighbor. FLOOR COMPANIES…YARD SERVICES…POOL COMPANIES…FURNITURE COMPANIES…CONTRACTORS…and many many more qualify for this exposure and along with simply working with their clients can only extend their opportunities of being known for WHO THEY ARE and WHAT THEY DO all the more.
So the “nosey neighbor” can actually be a real benefit…use them…cater to them…let them know WHAT’S GOING ON and WHO’S DOING IT as they’re walking by, driving by, or simply looking across the street. They really want to know and as a business your want them too know.