Vehicle Wrap Instead of Paint

The truck above is actually painted white! We wrapped it to make it look like a green truck. More on this project.

It can be tempting to invest in a paint job if you’re trying to improve the look of your vehicle. In fact, this can make your car look brand new again. But it can be pretty expensive! Another option to consider is getting a vehicle wrap instead of paint. You’ve probably never thought of the idea, but there are many reasons to consider the choice.

Investing in a vehicle wrap instead of paint is especially beneficial if you happen to be a business owner. You can easily promote your business right on the side of your vehicle, and you don’t have to keep paying for it over and over again. Simply buy your wrap one time and it keeps working for you. Whether for business or personal reasons, these are some of the ways you can make a vehicle wrap instead of paint work for you:

Create Cool Effects

Using a vehicle wrap instead of paint offers an opportunity to create cool effects such as layering different colors over one another to create a 3D rainbow design, having your favorite movie themes implemented into the wrap design, or using the wrap to make the car look bigger with four doors instead of two. The design ideas are limitless!

Match Your Current Paint Color

Because using a vehicle wrap instead of paint is an affordable way to go, you’ll find that it is a good replacement for a paint job if you simply want to make your vehicle look newer again. You can have the wrap designed to mimic your paint color and then have it placed around the damaged area of your vehicle. This technique works well and can stand up to wear and tear just as well as your actual paint job can.

Make Your Ride Unique

No matter what year, make, or model your vehicle is, you are bound to come across many others just like it on the open road. But if you use a vehicle wrap instead of paint, you can create a unique look that nobody else will have whether you’re driving locally or traveling for business or pleasure. For example, use vehicle wrap instead of paint to create racing stripes or a series of flowers along the sides of your ride.

Consider using vehicle wrap instead of paint the next time you think about making changes to your car.