
What would you think about a form of advertising that was cost-efficient, exciting to customers, and lasted for years? That’s the promise that car wraps deliver on insofar as they last for five years or more without needing any touchups.

Unlike pop-up ads, vehicle wraps are something that customers actually like to see and engage with on their commutes!

Keep Up with Changes in Advertising with Car Wraps 

Male conducting Car WrappingCompanies are largely moving away from television commercials and taking out ads in magazines and moving towards digital and real-world advertising.

YouTube ads, social media advertising, and search engine marketing are skyrocketing in popularity as real-world advertising, such as vinyl banners and car wraps, are continuing to outperform the competition. The secret to real-world advertising is its flexibility and incredible return on investment.

Real-world advertising like vehicle wraps overcomes issues inherent in other forms of advertising, e.g., customers who would rather not watch pop-up ads or who, in fact, will pay to make them go away!

Another problem with this form of advertising is that you essentially pay each time the advertisement is displayed or clicked on by customers. Vehicle wraps are totally different – usually the only investment is the initial one. Once your car wrap is installed, which normally takes one week or less, you can begin reaping the benefits by garnering more views in the community.

Business owners love car wraps because they drive up a company’s exposure without any additional work or expense. Any time that deliveries or service calls are made, the car wraps do their job by displaying the company’s colors, logo, and contact information.

So many times getting new customers is simply being in the right place at the right time and offering a service that customers need at a competitive rate. Put another way, why wouldn’t you want to get seen by customers with colorful, attention-grabbing vehicle wraps?!?

Vehicle Wraps Drive Up Exposure and Brand Awareness 

You can have your entire fleet decked out in car wraps, which will help drive exposure and brand awareness.

The latter concept is a marketing term that relates to the degree to which customers understand the goods and services provided by your business simply by seeing a product, name, or the familiar colors that comprise a brand (think the red-and-white of Coca-Cola or black-and-white Nike swoosh).

Your business can leverage that same power by getting stuck in customers’ minds with car wraps that increase brand awareness in the communities that your business serves.

Oftentimes, your car wrap is the first impression that your business makes with local customers, so it is especially important to get this dimension of your marketing strategy absolutely right. Vehicle wraps look very professional, have eye-popping aesthetics, and help get the word out about your business 24/7, rain or shine.

Customizability and Highly Malleable 

Keeping in mind the idea of getting the maximum number of impressions with vehicle wraps that distinguish your business from the competition, you will want to go with a design that is engaging without being overwhelming.

After all, people on the sidewalk or fellow commuters may only have a few seconds or perhaps a minute to take in your car wraps while they are singing along to the radio at the red light. Use that opportunity to extend your marketing by creating  easy-to-comprehend yet engaging vehicle wraps with a high contrast around salient text (e.g., your company’s contact information).

Car wraps are eminently customizable right out of the gate in that you can digitally send over your design, or collaborate on creating one, before bringing it to life with car wraps.

Graphics and reflective options are additional ways beyond design and contouring to bring your brand to life with car wraps, which can be modified later! Contact us for more information.