Car decals and vehicle wraps on the side of your personal or company’s fleet of vehicles can potentially reach tens of thousands of other drivers every day. The best part is that you don’t have to do anything differently to reap the benefits.
The mere act of driving is actually essential to understanding America. Drives across the country and Route 66 are just as integral to America’s story as the Golden Gate Bridge and Lincoln Tunnel are historically significant.
There’s a big economic opportunity in all of this since Americans are putting a staggering 13,000-plus miles per year on their more than 250 million cars nationwide. That’s a lot of driving, and also a lot of chances for your company to get in some serious advertising.
In a place like Santa Rosa that has over 150,000 people, there’s a huge opportunity to complement your social media presence with real-world advertising in the form of easily seen car decals and vehicle wraps.
Rack Up the Ad Impressions with Custom Car Decals
With traditional advertising you would pay an agency or media outlet to carry your advertisement over the airwaves or stream your message on television. With car decals and vehicle wraps you get extended advertising throughout the extended lifespan of a resilient vinyl vehicle wrap or car decal.
With marketing you’re also looking at how much all of this will cost relative to the amount of return (return on investment). In this case you want to wonder how well your investment in custom car decals spurs on real-world exposure through ad impressions for your company.
The bottom line is that car decals can give your company’s vehicles a distinctive look, which itself increases the chances that customers will remember seeing your advertisement, and affordably provide years of return on your initial investment.
In fact, car decals are considered one of the best, if not the best, form of real-world advertising going today. Why? Because for literally fractions of a penny per ad impression you can reach out to customers in your area.
- Play to a Home Crowd
There’s also no ambiguity about the pitch you’re making to customers or fear that they’ll see your car decal and not know what to do. You know that feeling when you see a cologne or perfume commercial and wonder something like, “what are they even trying to sell?” That doesn’t happen with car decals.
With a car decal local customers are going to see your advertisement since they’re on the roads anyways. From there they’re going to know what your company does, how they can help and how they can get in touch with your company personally because all of those things will be indicated on your vehicle’s car decal or vehicle wrap. It’s that simple.
It especially makes sense to have vehicle wraps if you’re providing a popular or much-needed service to your local community. Whether you’re running a vineyard and looking to shore up more tourists and customers or operating a local plumbing company, often times people want to stay connected but they simply don’t have the information to make that connection.
Custom car decals increase the odds that that connection happens more often. You’re getting your name out in general, yes, but you’re also making a quick pitch to customers that are going about their business.
That’s great from an optics standpoint since you’re there for your customers yet totally non-intrusive. In addition, window decals can boost exposure for upcoming promotions and complement the greater brand awareness you’re creating with professional, durable car decals that reach and attract local customers. Contact us for more information.