by Tim Armstrong | Oct 22, 2023 | trade show
Doing a trade show is a great way of raising your brand awareness. You get in front of people you know are looking for products and services similar to what you’re offering. This means everyone is a potential customer. Trade shows are often better than other forms of...
by Tim Armstrong | Sep 15, 2023 | Banner Printing, Custom Business Signs
Custom signs can do a lot for your business. These signs can bring in more customers, help sell specific products, or turn an event into a huge success. With the right designs, your custom signs and banners can greatly benefit your business. However, even with the...
by Tim Armstrong | Sep 15, 2023 | Banner Printing, Banner Printing Santa Rosa
How often do you change up your business signs? If you have custom business signs, you may not want to change them. If you have basic signs that aren’t that unique, it may be because you aren’t sure how to customize them or what to do to create fun signage that also...
by Tim Armstrong | Aug 16, 2023 | Banner Printing, Banner Printing Santa Rosa, Design, Professional Banner Printing
Creating unique event signs and custom banners for your business often sounds very simple, but once you get started, you may realize it’s a little more challenging than you expected. It’s one thing if you’re just putting a few words on a sign. Signs that indicate what...
by Tim Armstrong | Jul 7, 2023 | Banner Printing, business signs, Custom Business Signs
Whether you’re using them in your store, as marketing, or at an event, most businesses use signs and banners. While these two items are similar, there are some key differences between banners and signs. Sometimes, you want to use a sign. Other times, a banner is more...
by Tim Armstrong | Nov 11, 2022 | Banner Printing, business signs, Business Signs Santa Rosa, Custom Signs, Local Marketing, Storefront Signs
The phrase “new year, new me” is something that gets thrown around every year. Usually, it’s said in conjunction with a New Year’s resolution to eat better, work out more, or keep the house cleaner. But when it comes to business, resolutions often have more to do with...