A vehicle wrap can help you increase your company’s presence. If this presidential cycle has taught us anything it’s that the candidate who grabs the most headlines and delivers the most memorable zingers has a pretty good chance of ascending to the top of the polls.
The same principle actually applies to any form of advertising: the business that gets out there and grabs the most attention more often gets the sale.
You have to, at once, reach out to customers and meet those same customers where they like to spend their time. As it turns out, that happens to be on the road.
Cost of Vehicle Wraps 
The true cost of a vehicle wrap lies in its ability to wrack up views – what some people in the mobile marketing industry call ad impressions – on an around-the-clock basis and at no additional cost to the company behind the advertisement.
Unlike things like search engine marketing or taking an ad out in the newspaper, vehicle wraps are the gift that keeps on giving in the sense that you simply pay for the wrap, slap it across your company car and reap the benefits of more attention, calls and sales.
If you have a fleet of company cars you can literally reach tens – or potentially thousands – of people every day who might be interested in doing business with your company. Just getting your name out there puts you a leg up over your competitors since it shores up brand awareness and brand recognition in Santa Rosa and puts you in a great position to be that first call if customers have an issue that you could help resolve.
Mobile vehicle wraps take your message to the people in a powerful way that generates huge ROI ( Rate On Investment), especially considering that vehicle wraps are rugged and can last five years or more. Now, we’re definitely not saying that vehicle wraps are a substitute for a functional website or a direct mail marketing campaign, but they can offer your company unparalleled ROI each and every day. And that really adds up.
Most Efficient Form of Advertising?
Are vehicle wraps the most efficient form of advertising over a five-year period? The case can definitely be made. When you compare the marketing cost behind reaching one thousand potential customers, vehicle wraps clearly perform well.
In a big city, you can reach a thousand potential customers for less than a quarter by putting a vehicle wrap on your company vehicles. If you have a quarter to pop into a gum ball machine by the checkout counter, then you see what we’re talking about here.
And while other forms of mobile advertising are certainly worthwhile – it costs just under $2 per thousand impressions by using billboards and about $5 per thousand impressions via radio – there’s something powerful about the fact that customers can see your logo and phone number right there and make the call.
To be realistic, we all know that if television and the web didn’t knock out radio as a viable advertising medium then vehicle wraps are unlikely to do so either. And that’s OK: By burgeoning out and marketing your company across major search engines and social media and strengthening your marketing with mobile advertising, you’ve just created a one-two punch that grabs attention and doesn’t let go.
- Viable for Any Business
Vehicle wraps also can’t be pigeonholed to any business since all you really need is a company car and an open mind to start seeing results. Whether you’re in the trades, retail, construction or the restaurant business, contact us and we can create professional vehicle wraps for your company vehicles. Vehicle wraps are a powerful means of bolstering your exposure in the communities that matter most.