Every business needs custom signs to communicate with its potential customers. Choosing the right type of custom business signs will improve your brand’s perception among clients and the general public. On the other hand, substandard or incorrect signage hinders your marketing operations.
Clients can misunderstand your products or services just because you didn’t use proper custom signs. Although you should work with professional signage experts, you should be aware of the main design elements in your signage design. The top three things to remember are:
1. Color Combination Of Your Custom Business Sign

A custom business sign in Santa Rosa created by TNT Signs
Any signage design is doomed to fail if its primary sections are not conspicuous. For instance, your logo, phrase, or discount need to be easily noticeable. Therefore your design elements must differentiate the principal words from the background by using colors.
Color combinations are attractive and easily noticeable. Ideally, the best custom signs’ designs place light colors on top of dark backgrounds. It’s a well-known fact that lighter colors will be brighter and larger when contained within a dark background. This will make it easier for your audience to read your signage.
Although white is not a dark color, it is popular because it offers more lettering opportunities. Every other color will be conspicuous when placed on a white background. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you should limit yourself to white.
If contrast is on top of your priority list, you can place dark letters on a white background. For example, the words will be in black or yellow, while the background will be white. Alternatively, you can have navy-blue letters on a yellow background. The most important thing is that people should read your custom signs without straining.
2. Right-sizing Displays The Right Message
What is the right size of business signs? After you have selected the style, font, and color, your next consideration should be the size. Some people will tell you that determining the right size involves many mathematical calculations. While this may be true, there are other similar ways of getting the right size.
First, you need to determine the dimensions of your letters before you create the sign. You will create letters that your audience can read easily by working backward. Remember, the lettering is more important than the size of your custom signs. That is why it is wrong to choose the size before choosing the lettering because you will squeeze letters onto the signage. Once you have calculated the dimensions of your letters, you’ll then move on to the signage.
There are some things you’ll have to consider when determining the size of your signage. The location of your building and your office will play a key role. If your office or business is located away from the road or on the top floor of a high-rise building, your signage will have to be larger.
Secondly, you need to know the type of people who will be seeing your custom signs. If it is pedestrians, then the lettering can be smaller because they will have a longer time to look at the signage. On the other hand, if your audience will be drivers and passengers, your custom signs will be large to increase visibility. Thankfully, there are many online letter-sizing calculators and signage experts to guide you on this process.
3. Relevant Style Speaks Volumes To Your Customers
Each business requires its type of signage. Some businesses are likely to find more success if they buy outdoor custom signs. Others are better off choosing indoor signage. Fortunately, there are many styles to include in your design.
One of the most popular styles is called the blade. This is a type of design where your custom signs projects from your building. You can mount them on a wall or pole. Some people choose unilluminated blade-style while others prefer illuminated.
Companies that own high rise buildings can put the signage on the entire building, provided that the other tenants agree to this. You will need to use large and brightly illuminated signage. You will generally use a frame to attach the signage to the building’s side or the roof.
Not all custom signs are affixed to a building or a pole. Some are isolated structures standing on their own somewhere on the street. When signage operates independently, it’s called monument signage. Monument signages offer design flexibility, but you will need to include additional details such as your business’s address. Nevertheless, they can advertise your business on a busy street.
Now What? Getting Started
Perhaps you heard stories on how some businesses increase their sales by using the right custom signs. This is not a far-fetched fantasy, and you can create the right signage for your business provided that you use the right design elements. It all starts with noticing the difference between lousy signage and great custom signs. Check out our gallery for inspiration and ideas on how other businesses display the top 3 elements in their custom business signs.
Ultimately, it will all come down to your choice of color, size of the signage, and your preferred style. Furthermore, contact the professionals for more tips and advice.