Let’s face it: Without window lettering a lot of businesses in Santa Rosa would have a hard time separating themselves from the pack. Window lettering and window graphics can add a splash of welcome color your storefront and grab people’s attention.
Put Yourself in the Customer’s Shoes
And on the more practical side of things, window lettering can quickly let customers know your hours and what your business brings to the table. Don’t be shy. Let customers know who you are and how you can help them with your window lettering and window graphics.
Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and ask yourself what you would want to see out of a Santa Rosa business. Logo, name, contract information, and specific hours on every day of the week, sure, but also directions (“Right for Parking”) and a quick rundown on what customers can expect inside.
Streamline the Customer Experience
Your goal is obviously streamlining the customer experience by telling them about specials and telling them, for instance, where they can park their cars.
But let’s say that you’re a restaurant in Santa Rosa that sells sandwiches. Aside from your name, logo, and hours you might want to include some window lettering on the side that says something like “sandwiches, subs, soup” to give customers and folks driving by a reason to stop inside.
To continue the example, mentioning specials or ongoing promotions in your window lettering can goose up your in-store traffic and sales as well. Window lettering is incredibly affordable and the vinyl lasts for years. It’s also easily removable so you can change things up.
On-site Advertising Increases Browsing Time
Putting yourself in the customer’s shoes, having directional arrows pointing right, say, for parking and left for an alternative entrance can get people browsing in your store for longer. Think about it – if they only have 30 minutes for a lunch break and you can get them in the store quicker thanks to window lettering, your chances of making the sale go way up.
It’s no secret to anyone living in California that there are a lot of regulations and licensing issues. Sometimes those keep everyone more safe and help your business, and other times regulations limit your ability to advertise everywhere you would like.
Avoid Extra Licensing and Waits for Permits
The great thing about window lettering and window graphics is that you can install it in minutes and it doesn’t typically require any extra licensing. You might have an issue with putting up a new billboard or signage near the sidewalk, but you own (or rent) your storefront and have much more latitude when it comes to advertising on that space.
You’re essentially getting years of advertising in the most effective place for bringing in customers from off the street with window lettering and graphics right up front. Compare window lettering to a customer seeing an advertising from your company in a magazine or newspaper.
Unless the deal is a true door-buster, that customer will probably see the advertisement and think, “that’s a great deal,” but not follow through. Life gets in the way. You think something is a great deal or browsing in a store is a good way to spend a Saturday but then get a phone call and forget all about it.
Window lettering isn’t like that. It serves the practical function of telling customers about your essential goods and services and also lets you advertise in a way that’s truly effective. Someone sees an eye-popping deal and immediately stops in. Who knows? They might decide to make a purchase then and there. Contact us for more information.