
Hello from TNT Signs! Custom stickers are a versatile and cost-effective marketing tool that can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and engagement. From social media contests to street marketing and customer loyalty programs, stickers offer endless possibilities for creative marketing campaigns. In this blog, we will explore innovative ideas for using custom stickers in your marketing efforts, helping you attract new customers, engage your audience, and build brand loyalty.

The Power of Custom Stickers in Marketing

Custom stickers are an excellent way to promote your brand for several reasons:

  • Cost-Effective: Stickers are relatively inexpensive to produce, making them an affordable option for businesses of all sizes.
  • Versatile: They can be used in a variety of settings, from product packaging to event giveaways.
  • Memorable: A well-designed sticker can leave a lasting impression and keep your brand top-of-mind.
  • Shareable: Stickers are easy to distribute and often shared by recipients, increasing your brand’s reach.

Innovative Ideas for Custom Sticker Campaigns

1. Social Media Contests

Social media contests are a great way to increase engagement and grow your online following. Incorporating custom stickers into these contests can add an extra layer of excitement and reward for participants.

Example Campaign: Sticker Design Contest

  • Objective: Engage your audience and crowdsource creative designs.
  • Execution: Invite your followers to submit their own sticker designs based on a theme related to your brand. Offer a prize for the winning design, such as a gift card, product bundle, or exclusive merchandise.
  • Promotion: Promote the contest across your social media channels and encourage participants to share their entries using a specific hashtag.
  • Result: Increased engagement, user-generated content, and a new custom sticker design created by your community.

2. Street Marketing

Street marketing involves taking your brand to the streets and interacting directly with your target audience. Custom stickers are perfect for this type of guerrilla marketing campaign.

Example Campaign: Urban Sticker Hunt

  • Objective: Increase brand visibility and create a buzz in your local community.
  • Execution: Place custom stickers in strategic locations around your city, such as coffee shops, parks, and public transit stops. Each sticker should have a unique code or QR code that participants can scan to enter a contest or redeem a prize.
  • Promotion: Use social media and local influencers to announce the sticker hunt and provide clues about the sticker locations.
  • Result: Increased foot traffic, local engagement, and heightened brand awareness.

3. Product Packaging

Incorporating custom stickers into your product packaging can enhance the unboxing experience and provide additional marketing value.

Example Campaign: Sticker Surprise

  • Objective: Delight customers and encourage repeat purchases.
  • Execution: Include a surprise custom sticker in each product package. The stickers can feature different designs, encouraging customers to collect them all.
  • Promotion: Announce the sticker surprise campaign on your website and social media channels. Encourage customers to share photos of their stickers using a branded hashtag.
  • Result: Enhanced unboxing experience, increased social media engagement, and higher customer satisfaction.

4. Customer Loyalty Programs

Custom stickers can be a fun and effective way to reward loyal customers and encourage repeat business.

Example Campaign: Sticker Rewards Program

  • Objective: Build customer loyalty and increase repeat purchases.
  • Execution: Create a sticker rewards program where customers receive a custom sticker with each purchase. After collecting a certain number of stickers, they can redeem them for a discount or a free product.
  • Promotion: Promote the rewards program in-store, on your website, and through email marketing. Highlight the exclusive designs of the stickers to make them more desirable.
  • Result: Increased repeat purchases, higher customer retention, and a sense of community among loyal customers.

5. Event Giveaways

Events, whether virtual or in-person, provide an excellent opportunity to distribute custom stickers and increase brand exposure.

Example Campaign: Conference Swag Bag

  • Objective: Promote your brand at industry events and conferences.
  • Execution: Include custom stickers in the swag bags distributed to event attendees. The stickers can feature your logo, event-specific designs, or promotional messages.
  • Promotion: Mention the inclusion of custom stickers in the swag bags in your event promotions and on social media.
  • Result: Enhanced brand visibility, memorable event experiences, and potential new customer leads.

6. Collaboration with Artists

Partnering with local artists or influencers to create unique sticker designs can add an artistic touch to your marketing campaigns and attract a broader audience.

Example Campaign: Artist Collaboration Series

  • Objective: Reach new audiences and support local talent.
  • Execution: Collaborate with local artists to create a series of custom sticker designs. Feature the artists and their work on your website and social media channels.
  • Promotion: Promote the collaboration through both your and the artists’ social media platforms. Offer the stickers for sale or as free giveaways with purchases.
  • Result: Increased brand visibility, new customer engagement, and support for local artists.

7. Limited Edition Stickers

Creating limited edition stickers can generate excitement and a sense of urgency among your audience, encouraging quick action.

Example Campaign: Limited Edition Holiday Stickers

  • Objective: Drive sales during the holiday season.
  • Execution: Design a set of limited edition holiday-themed stickers and offer them as a gift with purchase during the holiday season.
  • Promotion: Announce the limited edition stickers on your website, email newsletter, and social media channels. Highlight the exclusivity and limited availability.
  • Result: Increased holiday sales, enhanced customer experience, and heightened brand loyalty.

8. Interactive Stickers

Interactive stickers with QR codes or AR (Augmented Reality) elements can create a unique and engaging experience for customers.

Example Campaign: Augmented Reality Sticker Campaign

  • Objective: Engage tech-savvy customers and create memorable experiences.
  • Execution: Design custom stickers with AR elements that come to life when scanned with a smartphone app. The AR experience can include animations, games, or additional product information.
  • Promotion: Promote the AR stickers through social media, your website, and in-store displays. Encourage customers to share their AR experiences on social media using a branded hashtag.
  • Result: Increased customer engagement, memorable brand experiences, and enhanced social media presence.

9. Cause Marketing

Using custom stickers to support a cause can enhance your brand’s image and show your commitment to social responsibility.

Example Campaign: Charity Sticker Campaign

  • Objective: Support a cause and enhance brand image.
  • Execution: Create custom stickers that promote a charitable cause. Donate a portion of the proceeds from sticker sales to the charity.
  • Promotion: Highlight the charity partnership on your website, social media channels, and in-store displays. Encourage customers to support the cause by purchasing the stickers.
  • Result: Positive brand image, increased sales, and support for a charitable cause.

10. Employee Engagement

Custom stickers can also be used internally to boost employee morale and engagement.

Example Campaign: Employee Recognition Stickers

  • Objective: Recognize and reward employees.
  • Execution: Design custom stickers to recognize employee achievements and milestones. Distribute the stickers during team meetings or company events.
  • Promotion: Feature the recognized employees and their stickers in internal newsletters and on the company intranet.
  • Result: Increased employee morale, stronger team cohesion, and a positive workplace culture.

Tips for Designing Effective Custom Stickers

To maximize the impact of your custom sticker campaigns, consider these design tips:

  1. Keep It Simple: Ensure your design is clean and not overly complicated. Stickers should be easy to understand at a glance.
  2. Use Bold Colors: Bright, bold colors attract attention and make your stickers stand out.
  3. Prioritize Readability: Choose fonts and font sizes that are easy to read from a distance.
  4. Reflect Your Brand: Incorporate your brand’s colors, logo, and overall aesthetic to ensure consistency.
  5. Include a Call to Action: If your sticker is part of a campaign, include a clear call to action, such as a website URL, social media handle, or QR code.


Custom stickers are a powerful and versatile tool that can enhance your marketing campaigns in numerous creative ways. Whether you’re looking to engage your audience through social media contests, boost brand visibility with street marketing, or reward loyal customers, stickers offer endless possibilities.

At TNT Signs, we specialize in creating high-quality custom stickers that capture attention and deliver results. Contact us today to learn more about our custom sticker solutions and how we can help you design and implement innovative sticker campaigns that elevate your brand. Let’s make your next marketing campaign truly memorable!