
Yes, we can make you a banner!

More times than not we’ve received a random call asking what would more than seem to be the obvious:

  • “Can you make me a banner?”
  • “Can you put vinyl letters on my truck?”
  • “Can you make me a sign?”

These are actual phone calls and actual inquiries from businesses that have real needs. What I came to find though is that I too had a need as these types of calls kept coming…a need for HUMILITY.  The irony is that these calls are legitimate, the underlying message was that sometimes a customer needs a little extra from us in terms of education, information, or just plain understanding as to what they are asking for because they really don’t know.

A business associate once told me, “We don’t know what you do.”  I was stunned and thought, “Are you kidding me?”

It seemed obvious to me what we do at TNT Signs but it wasn’t long before the HUMILITY had to set in so I could HEAR what she said so that when these callers INQUIRED I would be able to UNDERSTAND and I could then help them to UNDERSTAND.

A carpet company, a plumber, a financial adviser doesn’t make signs. They see signs and quite possibly talk about signs. But many may have never ordered a sign and for that matter have never have seen their company name and brand broadcasted in this kind of medium.

So, when someone asks: “Can you make me a banner?” I humbly listen ans answer them “Yes, I can make you a banner!”

It in part is no different if the roles were reversed and I was calling them asking for what they do. If I’ve never had a  backed up toilet or needed floor covering, I really wouldn’t know what the experience was going to be like and I would hope that they would be able to educate, inform and help me to understand as well.